Investment Process

Our robust, repeatable, and value-focused four-stage investment process serves as the cornerstone of our financial strategy, consistently driving strong and reliable out-performance in the market.


We believe the best opportunities are created, which we do by levearaging the expertise and capability within our existing platforms, Operating Partner Group, and on-the-ground Investment Team. Our sector expertise allows us to rapidly tackle accretive opportunities.


Our team brings vast investment and operational experience. We conduct thorough due diligence and invest significantly in each deal, aligning interests with our platforms and partners.


Our investment and operating professionals develop a strategy to unlock value through active management and operational change, using flexible capital structuring, a deep focus on operational excellence, and partnering with the right investment partners for each opportunity.


We buy and build with the goal of creating powerful operating platforms and are long-term investors. Our flexible structures, coupled with a value-focused approach, enable multiple exit opportunities when we believe the time is right.